
Our Daughter

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Our visit to our Goldsboro NC. Buddies

We visited our second graders in Goldsboro NC in May of 2001

We called our teacher assistant buddy, Ms. Debby Justus on her cellphone when we passed the city limits sign. She "talked us in" by landmarks and turns. As we got closer, the background noise level got higher. Those little rascals were listening, and they knew exactly where we were! When we drove into the lot beside the school, we could hear them yelling, "There they are! THERE THEY ARE!"
They gave us a few minutes to get parked, and then they all came trooping outside to greet us. They were very orderly, and polite. A really sweet bunch of kids.
To our surprise, along with them was a cameraman from the local TV station, and a reporter from the local paper. We were a "happening".
We had a short Q & A about the truck, and ourselves. Then everybody got a tour of the "Green Meanie" and of course a chance to blow the air horn. After the tour, Jasper opened the trailer doors, so the kids could see our load of "sailboat fuel" . That got a big laugh!
Then we were invited inside to see the classroom. We were given a nice snack, and a chance to visit one-on-one with everyone.

We were serenaded by the children, with guitar accompaniment by our teacher buddy, Mrs. Jennifer Heim.

The love in that classroom was so thick you could cut it with a knife! And it was aimed at us! Us! Just a couple of truck drivers who took a little time to write to some kids about our life and our work! I cannot even begin to tell you how really neat that felt!
We were given a guided tour of the school, and the "Red Carpet Treatment." Everybody we encounterd knew who we were and mentioned following our travels from checking out Mrs. Heim's bulletin board where she would post our letters and the pictures we had been sending all year.

Mrs Heim's bulletin board

Everybody seemed to be part of our "fan club". We felt like rock stars!
Too soon, it was time for us to leave.
Everyone gave us a super send-off, with many hugs and an invitation from the teachers to come back next year.
"We WILL be back!" we told them.

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Jackson Co. GA Buddies
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