BIG NEWS!A sensational new invention alleviates the loneliness of military wives or long haul truckers' wives who miss their husbands!The Random-Channel TVBanish the heartache of missing your man with this fantastic, and economical product! The Random Channel TV changes channels at random, with no remote control to get lost or misplaced! Pre-Installed ProgramsProgram 1: A special sensor determines when the woman watching becomes keenly interested in what is showing on the screen, and immediately changes the channel to a car chase, football game, gunfight, wrestling, Nascar event, or a hockey game. Program 2: At the onset of a commercial, the channel immediately changes, in rapid succession, to every other commercial currently showing, one after the other for the next several minutes, getting back to the original channel just after the actor delivers the punch line of the joke that started before the first commercial, or just after the face of the guy who "done it" is shown and he's now got his back turned to the camera. Program 3: Endlessly cycles between The Weather Channel, The Fishing Channel, The Hunting Channel and CNN, with occasional glimpses at The Western Channel and The History Channel to see if there's something bloody on. User-programming Features1: "Family" program: Lockout of programming unsuitable for young minds. Of course, if your youngster can set the clock on the VCR, he will beat this system and watch whatever he wants to. 2: The MOM channel option: Working mothers love this one. It's a useful new wrinkle on "TV as babysitter". Future models will include more user options, as we will solicit YOUR input about what YOU, our users, would like see offered. Home Security, at a fraction of the cost of a security service!!Burglars like easy pickings. If your home appears to have a strong male presence when it is "cased" the burglar just might look elsewhere. Tip1: Leave The Random-Channel TV playing at all times. Tip 2: Enhance the illusion that there is a male in residence. Drink a few beers, crush the cans (with your feet so you don't break a nail) and arrange them on the coffee table with a crumpled chip bag and a plate with sandwich crumbs on it. Scatter parts of a newspaper randomly on the floor near your couch, with a pair of dirty socks on top of it. (Borrow them from your brother if you have to) Place a pair of worn work boots somewhere nearby. (You can pick them up at the Goodwill cheap.) When you return home after an absence, be sure to shout, "Don't shoot Earl, it's Me." when you put your key in the door. Where to buy the Random Channel TVThe Random Channel TV is not available in stores. Jasper & Gertie's front page Gertie isn't the only goofy inventor. If you click here, you'll see what we mean. Home |