Jasper and Gertie's Trucker BuddiesJasper and Getie have two classes of "Trucker Buddies" One in Jackson County, GA. and another in Goldsboro, NC. Our 2001 Trucker Buddy classes
You can read about Jasper and Gertie's 2001 visits with their Jackson Co. GA "Buddies" here. To sign up to be a Trucker Buddy, go to the
Trucker Buddy website. All it takes is a little time to send postcards, pictures, and letters to a class of elementary school children. The children get to learn about the country as seen through the eyes of their "Buddy" .They will follow their "Buddy" on a map and learn geography. By writing letters to their "Buddy" they improve their writing and spelling skills. Their buddy may tell them how many miles he or she travels from place to place, and how long it took to get there. From that information a good teacher can make some "real world" math problems for the children to work on. After you read about their buddies, go to the Trucker Buddy website and sign up to be a Trucker Buddy. You have "Gertie's guarantee" that you'll not regret it.
Remember this:"One hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."Our old friend "Anonymous" wrote that. Jackson CO. GA 2001 buddys Goldsboro NC 2001 Buddys Buddy visits 2002 Become a buddy Jasper & Gertie's front page |